Monday, September 27, 2010
Advanced Art

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Progress Reports
Monday, September 20, 2010
Advanced art

Thursday, September 16, 2010
Back to School Night
I am still on maternity leave but will return full-time with my students on Monday, September 20th.
My classroom will be open for you to browse but my substitute Mrs. Contreras will not be there to answer any questions.
So feel free to e-mail me at bwille@ewcsd.org with any questions or concerns you may have or keep checking this classroom blog for updates.
Advanced art warm up drawings

Georgia O'Keeffe, Pelvis, 1943

Joan Miro, Milano c.1965

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Welcome to Advanced Art Handout
Room 27
(562) 464-2345
2010-2011 Projects include; |
Kaleidoscope Color Wheel tempera painting Vegetable still-life color pencil drawing Ceramic pinch pot container Lighthouse Watercolor painting Papier-mache bowl Painting in style of Piet Mondrian Animal Scratchboard Flower Soft Kut printmaking Pastel drawing in style of Georgia O’Keffee Ceramic coil container Boxes & Name in 1 point Perspective drawing Ceramic mask Metal embossed mask Own choice still-life painting on canvas Tessellation in style of M.C. Escher Self-portrait grid drawing Construction paper landscape collage Pop art painting in style of Andy Warhol Fish watercolor painting |
Grading will be based on the following categories:
Sketchbook: Weekly drawing homework assignment completed in sketchbook. The sketchbook will be checked every Monday in class and is worth 25 points every week.
Warm-ups: daily drawing worked on at the beginning of every class and kept in sketchbook. Checked every Monday.
Exploring Art Textbook: Consists of reading and answering questions (Check your Understanding) in class as it pertains to the projects. Each set of questions is worth 15 points.
Worksheets/Handouts/Quizzes: Completed in class will be worth 10 points each.
Projects: Consists of hands-on production including drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking, and crafts. Each project is worth 100 points and is to be completed in class, where all materials are provided.
If you are absent:
Daily assignments, such as warm-ups, sketchbook drawings and textbook reading, will be posted on the classroom calendar at the front of the room.
It is your responsibility to make sure that all missing work is made up.
Projects can only be worked on in the classroom, since this is where all the supplies and materials are kept, therefore attendance is extremely important.
Welcome to 8th Grade Art
Room 27
(562) 464-2345
2010/2011 Projects include;
Warm/Cool name tempera painting
Chuck Close inspired self-portrait (color pencil drawing)
Hand Value Pencil Drawing
Slab drape container
Bottle tissue paper collage
Name caricature drawing
Op Art drawing
Metal Embossed Bird
Manila Folder Animal Sculpture
Folder: Consists of answering the review question on the board in your folder during the first few minutes of class. The folder will be checked every Friday in class and is worth 25 points every week.
Exploring Art Textbook: Consists of reading and answering questions (Check your Understanding) in class as it pertains to the projects. Each set of questions is worth 15 points.
Worksheets/Handouts/Quizzes: Completed in class will be worth 10 points each.
Projects: Consists of hands-on production including drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking, and crafts. Each project is worth 100 points and is to be completed in class, where all materials are provided.
If you are absent:
-Daily assignments, such as folder questions, will be posted on the classroom calendar at the front of the room.
-It is your responsibility to make sure that all missing work is made up.
-Projects can only be worked on in the classroom, since this is where all the supplies and materials are kept, therefore attendance is extremely important.
-Make-up work can only be done before or after school.