Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Oil pastel animal drawings
Students began this project by learning 6 different oil pastel techniques and making four sketches of animals before starting their final. 

The final drawing was first completed with at least three different oil pastel techniques and then a final watercolor resist was added to finish the drawing.

Monday, December 12, 2011
Advanced Art
Adanced Art warm up drawing due Monday, January 10th.
Alexander Calder, Face, 1969, color lithograph.
Advanced Art homework due Monday, January 10th.

Draw what you look forward to most during winter break.
Use colored pencils, fill the page and include a background.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Advanced Art
Advanced Art warm up drawing due Monday, December 5th.
Henry Moore, Nuclear Energy, 1941, bronze.
Advanced Art homework drawing due Monday, December 5th. Draw a winter wonderland. Use colored pencils, include a background, and fill the page.

Friday, November 18, 2011
Embossed Metal Encaustic
Students learned about and studied Vincent Van Gogh and his landscape paintings paying close attention to the actual textures he created using paint. Students then created four Van Gogh inspired landscape sketches, chose one and drew their final 6"x8" landscape drawing. Before given their final 6"x8" aluminum foil, they experimented on a smaller 4"x6" aluminum piece learning how to emboss the metal and complete the encaustic process. The process looks like this...
Students set their 36 gauge aluminum on top of a skillet, set to low, held the metal from sliding with a pencil and added color by melting crayons on top of the metal.
and here are some samples of the final embossed metal encaustic landscapes.

Monday, November 14, 2011
Advanced Art
Advanced Art warm up drawing due Monday, November 28th.
Miriam Schapiro, Popova, 1992,Screen print on custom paper.
Miriam Schapiro, Popova, 1992,Screen print on custom paper.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
O'Keeffe Flowers
After learning about how Georgia O'Keeffe painted her flowers, completing several sketches, students drew their final flowers and finally added color with tissue paper.

Monday, November 7, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Advanced Art
Advanced Art warm up due Monday, November 7th.
David Hockney, Large Interior, 1984, Oil paint.
Advanced Art homework drawing due Monday, November 7th. Make a drawing honoring our veterans. Use colored pencils, fill the page and include a background.

Friday, October 28, 2011
Apple drawings
Our last drawing from observation project came in the shape of apples. This time the students had an apple on a white piece of paper on their desk to draw from and they had to show three-dimension through cast shadows, highlights and layering their colors.

Drawing from observation
Drawing what you see and drawing what you think you see are two completely different things and trying to get students to understand the difference takes time. We spent two weeks tackling the difference. We started with learning how to shade, practice drawing cylinders then they practiced and practiced and practiced until they finally completed their final pencil marshmallow drawing and their final white colored pencil marshmallow drawing.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Parent Conferences
Our parent conferences begin tomorrow, Friday October 28th, from 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. in the gym.
Next week, parent conferences will be held from 1:45-3 p.m.
Keep in mind next week Monday, October 31st - Friday, November 4th are all minimum days with students being released at 1:30 p.m.
If you can not make it to parent conferences but wish to check on your students' progress please sign-up and check your child's grades at http://www.ewcsd.org/parents/
Feel free to e-mail me with any questions at bwille@ewcsd.org
Monday, October 24, 2011
Advanced Art
Advanced Art warm up drawing due Monday, October 31st.
Alexandra Nechita, Forbidden Fruit, 1985, serigraph
Advanced Art homework drawing due Monday, October 31st. Draw Frankenstein and his bride or Count Dracula and his castle. Include a background, fill the page and use colored pencils.

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