Welcome to the Art Room!
I am expanding how you can get information about the art room this year.
1. Make sure to bookmark our classroom website!
2. You can now like our art room facebook page below and
receive updates in your facebook newsfeed.
3. You can also receive text or e-mail reminders for our class.
To sign up, follow the directions below.
Beginning Art
By text: create a
new message to (562) 354-4474 in the
message area enter code @3461b and
hit send.
By e-mail: create
a new message to 3461b@mail.remind.com,
leave the subject blank and send.
Advanced Art
By text: create a
new message to (562) 354-4474 in the
message area enter code @7eb7a and
hit send.
By e-mail: create
a new message to 7eb7a@mail.remind.com,
leave the subject blank and send.